SV Tapatya
SV Tapatya Videos
S2 EP 1 to 20
S2 EP21 to 40
Episodes 321 to 325
Episodes 301 to 320
Episodes 281 to 300
Episodes 261 to 280
Episodes 241 to 260
Episodes 221 to 240
Episodes 201 to 220
Episodes 181 to 200
Episodes 161 - 180
Episodes 141 to 160
Episodes 121 to 140
Episodes 101 to 120
Episodes 81 to 100
Episodes 61 to 80
Episodes 41 to 60
Episodes 21 to 40
Episodes 01 to 20
Behind The Scenes
Miss Molly I
The Start Of It All
The Lions Gate to Friday Harbor
Puget Sound and the Straits of Juan de Fuca
Neah Bay to Crescent City
Crescent City to Half Moon Bay
Back to California
The Sea of Cortez
And Then There Were Three
Our Music
Other builders
YouTube gems
The tips jar
Privacy Policy
SV Tapatya Videos
S2 EP 1 to 20
S2 EP21 to 40
Episodes 321 to 325
Episodes 301 to 320
Episodes 281 to 300
Episodes 261 to 280
Episodes 241 to 260
Episodes 221 to 240
Episodes 201 to 220
Episodes 181 to 200
Episodes 161 - 180
Episodes 141 to 160
Episodes 121 to 140
Episodes 101 to 120
Episodes 81 to 100
Episodes 61 to 80
Episodes 41 to 60
Episodes 21 to 40
Episodes 01 to 20
Behind The Scenes
Miss Molly I
The Start Of It All
The Lions Gate to Friday Harbor
Puget Sound and the Straits of Juan de Fuca
Neah Bay to Crescent City
Crescent City to Half Moon Bay
Back to California
The Sea of Cortez
And Then There Were Three
Our Music
Other builders
YouTube gems
The tips jar
Privacy Policy
Buy me a beer :-)
EP101 - The companionway hatch frame and more!
EP102 - Hatch runners, bilge paint and down below on a Freedom 28
EP103 - Down below
EP104 - The last piece of external ply... Well, almost!
EP105 - The sliding hatch
EP106 - The bigger picture and more
EP107 - Boat plans and black locust hatch frames
EP108 - A pulpit, a planer and a pressure-release-valve
EP109 - The main hatch turtle and more!
EP110 - Boatbuilding skills, black locust and the galley is started
- SV Tapatya
EP111 - Galley work
EP112 - More galley, more boatbuilding skills; more, more, more!!
Thoughts on boat design and drogues
EP113 - Bilge paint, the lazarette hatch and a side project
EP114 - Black locust strip cladding the lazarette hatch and a visitor from the US
EP115 - Filling in the holes
EP116 - The cabin sole and a tentative completion date
EP117 - A battery charger for Hazel and water hose for Tapatya
EP118 - Starting to finish the forepeak and Makita cordless tools
EP119 - Paint, brushes and Kilimanjaro
EP120 - Reclaimed mahogany and the fore cabin